Handmade shoe by Gabriel Colón – Amador
A Film by Pedro Bürgerbräu

Handmade shoe by Gabriel Colón – Amador
A Film by Pedro Bürgerbräu

GabrielColónAmador (writer & creative director / shoe designer)
PedroBurgerbrau (film director and cinematographer)
AlejandraRibera (photographer)
SeseIzurieta (actor)
GabrielPuig (lyrics composer)
RicardoNazario (music and narrator)
GarretOdenwelder (assistant designer)
AndreaRendon (hair & make up)
EnriqueAlvarado (location coordinator)
JanCandelaria (location coordinator)
NicolasDellios (script superviser)
SantiagoHossni (philosophical consultant)